Nozaki Laboratory for Human Movement Control & Learning

News & Topics

Mr. Hayashi has been selected as an oral presenter for "Visuomotor map determines how visually guided reaching movements are corrected" at Translational and Computational Motor Control 2015
Dr. Kasuga(previous member, now in Keio University) and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Learning feedback and feedforward control in a mirror-reversed visual environment" has been published in Journal of Neurophysiology
Dr. Takiyama(JSPS research fellowship for Young Scientists at Tamagawa University, Brain science institute) and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Prospective errors determine motor learning" has been published in Nature Communications
Dr. Kishi received the Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists.
Dr. Takarada(Associate Professor at Waseda University) and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Maximal voluntary force strengthened by the enhancement of motor system state through barely visible priming words with reward" has been published in PLOS ONE
Dr. Kadota's paper(previous member, now associate Assistant Professor at Kochi University of Technology) "Functional modulation of corticospinal excitability with adaptation of wrist movements to novel dynamical environments" has been published in Neuroscience Research
Dr. Kishi took up a new post as a Assistant Professor.
Dr. Hirashima took up a new post as a Principal Investigator at CiNet.
Dr. Yokoi's paper (previous member, now JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad) "Lateralized sensitivity of motor memories to the kinematics of the opposite arm reveals functional specialization during bimanual actions" has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience
Dr. Takarada(Associate Professor at Waseda University) and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Hypnotic suggestion alters the state of the motor cortex" has been published in Neuroscience Research
Dr. Kimura took up a new post as a Assistant Professor at Reserch Center for Brain Communication, The University of Tokyo.
Dr. Hidaka took up a new post as a Project Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Education, Kochi University of Technology.
Dr. Fujii's paper (previous member, now JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad) "Precursors of dancing and singing to music in three- to four-months-old infants" has been published in PLOS ONE
Mr. Kato(TOTO), Dr. Masani(Toronto University) and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Anti-phase action between the angular accelerations of trunk and leg is reduced in the elderly" has been published in Gait & Posture
Dr. Yamanaka(associate professor at Showa Women's University) and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Neural mechanisms underlying stop-and-restart difficulties: Involvement of the motor and perceptual systems" has been published in PLoS ONE
Dr. Yamanaka(associate professor at Showa Women's University) et al and Dr. Nozaki's paper "Long-latency TMS-evoked potentials during motor execution and inhibition" has been published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Mr. Hayashi received the JSMC Young Researcher Award.
Dr. Nozaki hosts the 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Motor Control(JSMC).
Dr. Kasuga's paper (previous member, now in Keio University)"Simultaneous processing of information on multiple errors in visuomotor learning."has been published in PLoS ONE
Dr. Yokoi to take up JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad.
Dr. Shimono to take up JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad.
Dr. Yokoi received a Ph.D. in education.
Prof. Nozaki gives a lecture at BIO UT 2013 on June 8th.
Dr. Fujii to take up JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad.
Prof. Nozaki gives a lecture at Neuron and Brain Science Seminar 3rd in Kamata on March 31st.
Mr. Honda's paper (previous member, now in Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute)"Habituation to feedback delay restores degraded visuomotor adaptation by altering both sensory prediction error and the sensitivity of the adaptation to the error"has been accepted in Frontiers in Perception Science
Mr. Yokoi has been selected as an oral presenter for "Uncovered hidden ability of nondominant arm for bimanual action" at Translational and Computational Motor Control 2012
Dr. Hirashima's research "The brain as a redundant motor control system achieving identical movement with various processes -A behavioral study using a motor learning paradigm-" won the Incentive Award at The 27th Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering.
Dr. Hirashima's paper has been reported in Todai Research.
Dr. Kasuga (previous member, now in Keio University) received a Ph.D. in education.
Dr. Ikegami (previous member, now in Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute) received a Ph.D. in education.
Dr. Hirashima's paper "Learning with Slight Forgetting Optimizes Sensorimotor Transformation in Redundant Motor Systems"has been published in PLoS Computational Biology
Mr. Honda's paper (previous member, now in Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute)" Adaptation to visual feedback delay influences visuomotor learning."has been published in PLoS ONE
Mr. Kimura arrived at his new post at Nozaki laboratory.
Dr. Hirashima's paper "Distinct motor plans form and retrieve distinct motor memories for physically identical movements"has been published in Current Biology.( Commentary from Baugh and Flanagan)。
Mr. Ikegami's paper(previous member, now in Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute)has been chosen as Todai Research Highlights
Mr. Ikegami's paper(previous member, now in Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute)"Intermittent Visual Feedback Can Boost Motor Learning of Rhythmic Movements: Evidence for Error Feedback Beyond Cycles" has been published in Journal of Neuroscience
Mr. Hidaka arrived at his new post at Nozaki laboratory.

About us

Our laboratory aims to reveal the mechanism in which humans control and acquire well-organized movements, by means of behavioral experiments using robot manipulandum, neurophysiological experiments using electroencephalogram, transcranial magnetic stimulation etc., and mathematical modeling approach.