
Tokkatsu DVD: Japanese Whole Child Education -Learning from Cleaning and Lunch (Tokkatsu Series 1, 2015)

DVD explaining the basic concepts of  Japanese model of whole child education “Tokkatsu” including the examples of Tokkatsu activities is released on March, 2016 by The 21st Century International Educational Models Project

DVD contains the following contents:

Chapter 1: The Japanese Model of Whole Child Education: Tokkatsu – The lecture of Tokkatsu by Professor Ryoko Tsuneyoshi, University of Tokyo

Chapter 2: Tokkatsu Classroom Activities on Cleaning: Encouraging Inner-Motivated Collaboration – Nibukata Elementary School, Tokyo

Chapter 3: Collaborative Learning Through Lunch – Bunkyo Gakuin University Girls’ Junior & High School, Tokyo

If you have any question related to DVD, please contact <c-kodoka@p.u-tokyo.ac.jp>.