This lab, which is part of the University of Tokyo's Division of Social Sciences in Education,
conducts research into comparative education systems theory and educational sociology.

Study of students who graduated from a commercial high school in March 2008

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  • Study of students who graduated from a commercial high school in March 2008

From 2005 to 2008, we conducted a study concerning the post-graduation plans of students at five secondary schools in the Kansai region (including commercial and industrial high schools) whose students pursue a variety of paths after they graduate.

The results of that study are summarized in Choosing What To Do after High school: Processes and Structures , edited by Takayasu Nakamura and published by Minerva Shobo in 2010.

We recently conducted a follow-up study of third-year students in Class 4 who graduated from a commercial high school that was included in the original study.

The lab would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to cooperate with the study.

December 2016  Takayasu Nakamura (Professor, the University of Tokyo Graduate School)
Lab representative

Research team members Naoyuki Konishi (Instructor, Takasaki University of Health and Welfare)

Chiyo Tomita (Assistant Professor, Ohtsuki City College)

Megumi Oguro (doctoral program student, the University of Tokyo Graduate School)

Yuri Fukawa (doctoral program student, the University of Tokyo Graduate School)

Yasushi Yamaguchi (doctoral program student, the University of Tokyo Graduate School)

Hideyuki Kawahara (doctoral program student, the University of Tokyo Graduate School)

*This research was funded by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s scientific research fund (Challenging Research (Pioneering/Exploratory): Grant No. 16K13519).