This lab, which is part of the University of Tokyo's Division of Social Sciences in Education,
conducts research into comparative education systems theory and educational sociology.


2019 academic year

Year Name Research topic
OD 布川 由利 Ethnographic research into high-school counseling, history of educational sociology with regard to ethnomethodology and conversational analysis research
OD 胡中 孟徳
OD 林川 友貴 Inter-regional comparison of mechanisms that give rise to social inequality through education
OD 福島 由依 Significance of educational background and entrance examination experience as seen from students’ efforts to take entrance examinations again in order to transfer to other universities
3nd (doctoral) 荒木 真歩
3nd (doctoral) 田垣内 義浩
2st (master’s) 伊藤 美遥
1st (master’s) 神山 優哉
1st (master’s) 小宮 拓人
4th(undergraduate) 石橋 大樹
4th(undergraduate) 黒田 潤
4th(undergraduate) 清 裕志郎
4th(undergraduate) 畠中 遥子
4th(undergraduate) 森岡 大海
4th(undergraduate) 山内 望
3th(undergraduate) 飯田 紫乃野
3th(undergraduate) 甲斐 咲江
3th(undergraduate) 菊地 野乃
3th(undergraduate) 清水 杏菜
3th(undergraduate) 白岩 裕悟