2019 academic year
Year | Name | Research topic |
OD | 布川 由利 | Ethnographic research into high-school counseling, history of educational sociology with regard to ethnomethodology and conversational analysis research |
OD | 胡中 孟徳 | |
OD | 林川 友貴 | Inter-regional comparison of mechanisms that give rise to social inequality through education |
OD | 福島 由依 | Significance of educational background and entrance examination experience as seen from students’ efforts to take entrance examinations again in order to transfer to other universities |
3nd (doctoral) | 荒木 真歩 | |
3nd (doctoral) | 田垣内 義浩 | |
2st (master’s) | 伊藤 美遥 | |
1st (master’s) | 神山 優哉 | |
1st (master’s) | 小宮 拓人 | |
4th(undergraduate) | 石橋 大樹 | |
4th(undergraduate) | 黒田 潤 | |
4th(undergraduate) | 清 裕志郎 | |
4th(undergraduate) | 畠中 遥子 | |
4th(undergraduate) | 森岡 大海 | |
4th(undergraduate) | 山内 望 | |
3th(undergraduate) | 飯田 紫乃野 | |
3th(undergraduate) | 甲斐 咲江 | |
3th(undergraduate) | 菊地 野乃 | |
3th(undergraduate) | 清水 杏菜 | |
3th(undergraduate) | 白岩 裕悟 |